This past year, I have been reflecting on our journey as members of Bluewater Cruising Association. BCA has so much to offer to every member, from those with dreams of crossing oceans; heading somewhere warm, or expanding their cruising across the Salish Sea. Each journey is unique, valid and supported.
The first time we stepped on a sailboat was 20 years ago, when we came across a cruise-and-learn. We had no previous experience on sailboats, but both of us grew up on lakes and loved the ocean, so it sounded like a good option for a holiday. We came back from that vacation with a plan to move to the coast and buy a boat when we retired.
We couldn’t wait. We found a Matilda 20 and sailed on a local lake. We continued to visit the coast and found it harder and harder to leave, until we finally moved to Victoria and in 2018, we bought an Ericson 30+. In the first year, we sailed her a 100 days. We were out every weekend during the evenings and used all our holidays to sail. She taught us so much about sailing, maintenance and pushed us to go further, beyond anything we ever thought we could do.
Connecting with BCA
Through our sailing club, we heard about an online session with John Kretschmer, hosted by BCA. As sailors, and avid readers of adventure stories, we signed up! From the initial session, we were hooked and took advantage of every learning opportunity BCA had to offer and our dreams slowly started to evolve. We never imagined sailing offshore. To be honest, we just never really thought about it.
Then we started to meet members of BCA, the doers and the doners who were not just people in a book. People who had created their own adventures and followed their dreams. After attending a few more sessions, we signed up for the mentorship program and were paired with Connie and Peter (Cookie Cutter). They shared their story and sparked something in us to explore and learn and see where it would take us. They answered questions, recommended courses and just spent time with us as our dream started to grow.
Even though we had no solid plans, we joined Fleet for the first time in 2022, on a recommendation from Connie. We are so glad we did. It has been a whirlwind of learning about weather, storm tactics, passage planning, insurance, healthcare and systems to have onboard. The topics were based on experiences of the leaders and the interests of participants. Members of Fleet varied from some who were leaving the following year, those who were a couple years out, and for us it was still a work in progress.
We now have an offshore boat, have completed a major refit and now have a solid plan with a go / no go date. You see we are not even sure we will like sailing offshore, but have a plan in place to get the experience and then decide.

Left: Lunetta at the dock; Right: getting to us getting to know our new boat; Inset: Shannon and Doran
Expressing our Gratitude
I titled this article “Sitting with Giants” after attending an evening of Fleet. I looked around the room and was astounded by the knowledge and experience in the room of the people who have done or are doing it.
To our mentors, Fleet leads, MIST (Mid Island Sail Training) leads, guest speakers, presenters – you are all giants – people who inspire and support us dreamers. Thank you.
Darragh (Chanty V) once shared that there is no organization in the world that better prepares people to go offshore. It is because of these Giants. Thank you for openly sharing your knowledge and experiences. Your guidance has built our confidence and led us to do something we never imagined. Thank you for being a part of our journey, our learning, and our dream.
Wow! This article is simply amazing and leaves me feeling nothing but gratitude for the Bluewater Cruising Association and all of our members. Shannon and Doran, thank you for being a huge part of our dream!!!
Thanks Dave! Love that we are a part of your journey
Hi Shannon & Doran!
I am so glad that you both are members of BCA. Your enthusiasm is infectious! Thanks for writing this fine and exciting article! It was great meeting you both at the recent Telegraph Harbour Rendezvous! We look forward to seeing more of you!
Bethanny Brooks (and Greg Cooper)
Lil’ Ollie
Thanks Bethanny! It was great to meet both of you at the rendezvous and will definitely will watch for Lil’Ollie when we are out
Hi Shannon and Doran,
Thanks for this great article and we completely agree that the learning opportunities offered by BCA and fleet provide a solid foundation to prepare for offshore cruising. Keep up your dream, and continue to get to know your boat.
Werner and Sarah (from Fakarava)
Werner and Sarah, we are totally getting to know her
It feels like it was not that long ago we were sitting having dinner together talking about your plans and now you’re doing it! We love seeing your photos and following along you amazing journey. Hugs to both of you. Shannon
Dear Shannon and Doran. What a beautiful summation of the value BCA provides for those of us who dreamed and those of us who headed ‘off’. No matter how far or where we ended up, BCA gave us the tools to take on the unknown. Thank you for expressing your thank so well. Best wishes for an exciting and enjoyable voyage… as you create memories you will carry forever.
Carolyn Daley & Kathy Mulholland
SV Shannon’s Spirit
Thank you Carolyn and Kathy
It is totally about the unknown! Another sailor once shared he missed all of the firsts. The first time he anchored, sailed at night, completed a passage. All the firsts that are the unknowns that soon become familiar. It is there where your memories focus. I often think of this and remind myself when I think of doing the unknown.
Btw – nice boat name
Hey Shannon & Doran – thank you for your kind comments about BCA and Connie and me! It was a pleasure getting to know you, relive our own adventures a bit and we hope to hear more of your challenges and joys as you follow your dreams. We know that we’re part of a team and acknowledge the great value of many experienced sailors in our unique organization!
Fair winds and following seas!
Thanks Peter! We definitely will be sharing more as we grow and expand.
Thank-you Shannon and Doran for your kind words about BCA. You have a great way of inspiring with your words, and they were a great testimony of what BCA is all about. We hope that you do like the offshore experience and will one day return to be a giant to others.
Thanks Scott. We have confirmed our first offshore experience and will soon find out if we like it :). Until then we are brushing up on our weather
Fantastic editorial Shannon and Doran,
You two are the epitome of great students, devoted and focused and above all ENTHUSIASTIC!!
Thanks Marla! It helps when you have a fantastic instructor
Well said! Looking forward to seeing you guys on the water soon 🙂
We love following your adventures and it would be so lovely to meet you someday
What a wonderful tribute to BCA, Shannon and Doran. Thank you! I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your journey to offshore cruising and all the help you’ve had along the way. BCA is an amazing organisation and that is due in large measure to our members learning, doing, and then giving back to the Association.
May you experience magical moments at sea. We did!
Fair winds,