Denis and I flew to La Paz to meet Gary Peacock and Tanya VanGinkel on Sea Rover II, to begin our adventure sailing to Galapagos Islands. When we arrived, we went to Marina de La Paz to meet up with the Sea Rover II crew. We hadn’t been at the marina for more than 5 minutes when we also met a few BCA members who recognised us. It was almost like being at home! Of course, we planned to organise a Bluewater Unofficial Rendezvous Place (BURP) that evening.
Gary and Tanya picked us up at the Marina and we dinghied over to Sea Rover II. Once aboard, we wished Rob Murray from Avant were here to organise the BURP… and after procrastinating a bit, we called it out on the radio. So, at 6pm, we all met at Bandido’s for the yummiest burgers ever! The BURP was attended by Gord Harms, Greg Harms and Alice Kloosterboer on Anduril, Eric Schnabel from Shadowfax, Gary Peacock from Sea Rover II, Tanya VanGingel from Kia Loa, Ed Estabrook and Talica Davies from Tioga and the crew of Manatee, who are not BCA members, but are from Vancouver and joined in on the fun!
A great night was had by all… and we returned to our boats feeling like BCA is a great big wonderful family!
The following day, Brian Short and Glenda Wray from Carpe Ventus arrived at Marina de la Paz, and we went for dinner at JB Ribs downtown La Paz, for melt in your mouth ribs.

Enjoying ribs Mexican style!
It wasn’t a BURP per se, but nonetheless was a really nice get together with sailor friends and BCA members. This camaraderie is one of the reasons why we love to be members of BCA!