Ahoy fellow sailors,
The Fall is definitely here, and BCA is back in full swing. Club nights are happening each month at all chapters again:
- Calgary: First Tuesday of the month
- Vancouver: Second Wednesday of the month
- Vancouver Island: Third Tuesday of the month
- Nanaimo: Third Thursday of the month
Education courses at each chapter are starting to get listed on the website and the ideas are rolling in for activities and events over the Fall and Winter months. So stay tuned and check Currents often! (shameless promotion :-))
BCA has secured our usual booth at the 2016 Vancouver Boat Show and confirmed that we will have an offshore-ready boat at the in-water venue. Please mark the dates on your calendar now (Jan 20-24, 2016) and watch for further details about how and when to sign up as a volunteer (approximately 75 will be needed). Depending on your level of involvement, you will get at least a day pass for the day you volunteer, so it’s a good deal!
We have compiled the articles published in September into a .pdf file. If you prefer to read the articles all in one sitting, you can download the September Currents pdf.
Before I sign-off, may I remind you again to keep sending in your stories. Currents articles are read all over the world, by members and non-members alike, now that Currents is a digital publication. The articles generate great interest in the cruising and sailing community and your contributions make this publication possible. Thank you!
Dear Rosario thank you for all the great work you do, it is so much appreciated and inspiring! In past years Purusha’s crew has been invited to participate in the Fleet course program and I was wondering if you could forward this to whomsoever is in charge of that, so that we could again be placed on their mailing list. Thank you, hope to run into you soon, we had a great season 5 months in the Sea of Cortes and Purusha weathered the recorded 280 km an hour winds of hurricane Odile successfully, though many boats in THE SEA did not! Looking forward to upcoming club nights.
Hello David,
So great to hear from you. I will definitely pass your contact on to Cam and Marianne and they will be able to add you to a mailing list.
Are you in town again? Will you be coming to some of the Club Nights? Glad to hear you survived Odile…. would love to hear your stories.