The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

From the Commodore – Change is in the Wind

David Mitchell

Island Packet 40
June 25th, 2024

To my fellow BCA members:

Being Commodore has been, and continues to be, a good run! Standing at the helm of the Bluewater Cruising Association is nothing short of amazing. The people I’ve had the privilege to witness on their journeys have been the very definition of inspirational:

  • Our Doners, who continue to give and give again, are a testament to the joy they felt and the great experience they had in their Doer years.
  • Our Doers provide continued fuel to fire up our dreams and remind us that it is all possible.
  • Our Dreamers work with their mentors and fellow Dreamers to make their dreams a reality. Together we realize the dream of offshore cruising.

However, it is time for me to turn over command. Trina and I are within a year of making our offshore dreams a reality. We must get serious about our preparations. My last duty as Commodore will be fulfilled at the 2024 AGM in December, when you will have the responsibility of electing our new leadership.

Below is the message that I sent out in January 2020, on taking over the helm of the Bluewater Cruising Association.

It is with honour that I stand at the helm of the Bluewater Cruising Association. With this great privilege I aspire, with your support, to ensure that BCA’s long running success continues; an accomplishment that is fully due to facilitating the connection of people. These connections have fostered sharing, learning, and, ultimately, the realization of ocean passages.

Without doubt, what you will get from your membership in BCA is directly proportionate to what you put in. Whether a doner, doer, or dreamer, you are of exceptional value to our association. Our combined efforts and shared talents are essential to the longevity of BCA and, most importantly, achieving our mission, “to foster seamanship and friendship for people with an active interest in offshore cruising”.

My original words hold true today. And as I give advance notice of my decision to step down, I ask you reflect on that message from 2020, and ask yourself:

  • How can I contribute to the continued existence and success of the Bluewater Cruising Association?
  • What skills do I bring and what role can I take on that will help others to connect through cruising or help them to get offshore?
  • How can I best say thank you to those who have given so much?

There will be several other positions on the Board of Directors and Chapter Watches that need to be filled in the coming months. Information about the nominations process, including links to the various job descriptions, will soon be available.  In the meantime, please talk with your fellow BCA members wherever and whenever you meet this summer and consider whether a role on the Board or a Chapter Watch is in your future.

If you are interested in the role of Commodore, please let me know; I would be delighted to speak with you. You can contact me at

And please help me in properly thanking those who have filled the key positions, sometimes for multiple years now, by allowing them to move on to realize their personal dreams.

It is with mixed feelings that I share this news with you today, but it is important that BCA has time to find new leadership and facilitate a smooth transition. It truly has been and is an honour to be your Commodore. It is with great pride, and appreciation for your support, that Trina and I prepare to set out on our bluewater sailing adventures. Thank you!

Yours Aye,

David Mitchell
Bluewater Cruising Association


  1. Donna+Sassaman says:

    David, you’ll be a tough act to follow! Thank you for everything you’ve done to move the Association forward over the past four years.

    To ensure that members who are contemplating stepping into the Commodore role, but perhaps are being a bit too humble, here’s the “job description” from the BCA Governance Manual for their/our consideration.

    Terms of Reference: Commodore

    The Commodore is elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Commodore is elected for a
    period of one year and may stand for re-election.

    The Commodore is responsible for the overall management of the Association.

    Authority, Accountability and Reporting:
    ▪ Holds a fiduciary duty to BCA
    ▪ Is responsible for the overall management of the Association
    ▪ Reports yearly to the membership at the Annual General Meeting

    ▪ Is responsible for insuring good board practices including the effectiveness of meetings
    and adherence to by-laws and other board rules
    ▪ Will ensure that board members are aware of their duties
    ▪ Supervises work of committees and tasks assigned by the board
    ▪ Supervises the work of the administrator
    ▪ Is the spokesperson for BCA

    Think about it, friends! You could have your boat gracing the cover of the 2025 Member Directory!

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