Let me start by wishing a very happy 2016, to one and all! May the New Year bring you lots of sailing opportunities and not so much boat maintenance!
2015 started with Currents moving online. It has been a full year now! We have a steady and loyal readership of over 1,100 people all over the world.
The Ocean Cruising Adventures Speaker Series in February/March brought a fantastic breadth of speakers to mostly sold out venues, with great audiences of members and non-members alike. This year we are celebrating the 40th anniversary of the series, with yet another great set of speakers. Make sure you don’t miss this great event.
The second annual Mid-Island Sail Training (MIST) event was a success and left lots of us wishing we had participated. There were stories of great hands-on learning and coaching by very experienced, off-shore cruisers. So keep an eye out for this year’s event.
Nigel Calder visited BCA again and spoke to sold out venues in Victoria, Vancouver, Nanaimo and Calgary.
Education courses, from engine maintenance to offshore weather and everything in between, sold out quickly across all chapters, building the confidence of Dreamers in their seamanship skills. The Vancouver Island Cruising Experience (VICE) provided the usual opportunities for Dreamers to test their boats in preparation for departure; and the fleets across the Association saw a number of boats leave to pursue their dreams of bluewater and paradise islands.
The Rendezvous in May, August and October were all a hit, with record attendances from all chapters. The ‘infamous’ Peterson Cup Cruising Rally took a turn of its own (literally), from the treacherous Cape Horn to the Salish Sea, and a fun time was had by all. I can’t wait for this year’s social events.
And on this note of nostalgia, I sign off until next month. The December compilation of articles is now available for download; enjoy and don’t forget to share the articles you like the most!
Oh yeah…we are always looking for stories to publish in Currents, so if you have a great tale to tell, please send it to us. Remember: you get a discount on your membership fees when we publish your article!