The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Lots Happening this Winter…

Rosario Passos

Counting Stars
Whitby 42 Ketch
December 8th, 2015

Ah, who said the Winter months were a bit quieter when it came to boating? There’s lots happening at BCA this Winter: from a flurry of education activities, events and courses, to the Boat Show January 20 – 24, 2016  to the Ocean Cruising Adventure Speaker Series starting on January 29, 2016.

I know that the Christmas Season is around the corner and we are all focused on decorating our boats and our homes and getting together with friends and family to celebrate the season. However, it looks like January and February are going to be busy months for BCA.

The Vancouver Boat Show

As usual, BCA will have a booth at the Vancouver Boat Show, so plan to come on by and visit us. Looks like we have lots of volunteers for the event, but if you want to put your name down contact Dionne Tremblay, who is kindly organising all of us to make sure the booth will be running smoothly. Also, check out the speaker line-up at the Show. Many of our own members will be speaking about their adventures and sharing their knowledge: Norm and Beth Cooper, Ken Gillstrom, Jennifer Handley and Campbell Good, just to mention a few! Way to go!

The OCA Speaker Series

Then after the Boat Show, the Ocean Cruising Adventure (OCA) Speaker Series begins with quite the impressive line-up of speakers to mark the 40th Anniversary of the series. Tickets are available for purchasing from the BCA website. If you don’t know what to get your special person for Christmas, I’d suggest OCA series tickets, which get you a ticket for each presentation at a slight discount!

Mahina Tiare sailing in Fiji (John Neal and Amanda Swan Neal)

Mahina Tiare sailing in Fiji (John Neal and Amanda Swan Neal)

The speaker line-up is as follows:

  • January 29: Slow Boat to Canada, Nick Ward & Family
  • February 5: South to the Ice, Larry Roberts & Mary Anne Unrau
  • February 12: Sailing Away – Dream to Reality and Beyond, Ken & Carol Gillstrom
  • February 19: A Passion for Adventure – Mopelia to Sallyhamna, John Neal & Amanda Swan Neal

Tickets prices

Individual tickets:

  • $10 for Bluewater Cruising Association members
  • $15 for the general public

Series tickets:

  • $30 for Bluewater members
  • $50 for the general public

And with this I sign off until next month. The November compilation of articles is now available for download: enjoy and don’t forget to share the articles you like the most!

Oh yeah…we are always looking for stories to publish in Currents, so if you have a great tale to tell, please send it to us. Remember: you get a discount on your membership fees when we publish your article!



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