The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Winners of Cover Photo Contest 2024 (for 2025 Editions)

Barb Peck

Hoku Pa'a
Niagara 35
January 15th, 2025

Once again, the Currents Cover Photo Contest was a success!

We received dozens of wonderful photo submissions from all over the world to vie for the chance to grace the PDF covers of  Currents during 2025. Thanks to everyone for your participation and enthusiasm. There were some awesome submissions, and really, they were all winners in our eyes! Having said that, we could only choose twelve.

After much thoughtful deliberation by the judges (Nick Ward, Trina Holt, Sonia Crawshaw, and David Mitchell) the winning photos were selected and so, without further ado, the winning photographers are (in alphabetical order by first name):

  • Brent Alley, Pegasus II
  • Glenda McDonald and Mike Delage, Innisfree
  • Ian Cameron, Corra Jane
  • Isabel Bliss, Sonsie
  • Larissa Clark and Duncan Copeland, Freeranger
  • Larry Roberts, Traversay III
  • Mary Kruger, Synchronicity
  • Mary Newman/Robert Smith, Silken
  • Mel & Morgan Finley, Swift of Southampton
  • Rob Cormack, Cambria 
  • Scott Brown, Whale Song
  • Sophia Granchinho, Anuri

Winners of the 2024 Currents Cover Photo Contest will each receive a $10.00 credit to be applied to their membership dues.

Many thanks to the Currents judging panel who stepped up to the plate to help select the best photos based on the given criteria. It was no easy task!

A sneak peek at the 2025 Currents magazine covers.


  1. Nancy Carlman says:

    I love the idea of Currents photo covers, but I have not noticed them in the past. Every time Currents comes up in my inbox, I read the articles. But I haven’t seen any covers.N

    1. Hi Nancy,
      the photos are on the PDF covers. Your email subscription sends the links to the on-line version of Currents. To read the articles that way you have to be connected to the Internet. Each month we also gather all of the on-line articles from that month and convert them into a PDF (portable document format) version. Those issues can be downloaded onto your own computer (or printed out) when you have Internet access and then you can read the articles without being connected to the Internet, like when you are at anchor.

      You will see a link to the PDFs in that Currents email you get, or in the bottom box on the left-hand panel on the Currents website, but it is also here. You can download past issues back to 2015 (when Currents became digital).

      1. Bethanny Brooks says:

        Thanks, Nancy, for asking that question! And thanks, Barb for the answer! I was wondering the same thing! ☺️

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