Currents is intended for all Bluewater Cruising Association (BCA) members and, now that we are online, any person interested in offshore sailing may enjoy our magazine. However, it has come to my attention that some members either do not know about Currents or are unaware that they can subscribe to it. This situation is more likely to happen with our Associate Members. Associate Members are also less likely to be signed up for BCA bulk email communications. In these situations, the Associate Member is then reliant on their partner to share the BCA communications and to point out Currents articles that may be of interest. Consequently, it can happen that Associate Members receive less information, miss learning about interesting courses and events, and don’t get a chance to read some of the great articles about cruising offshore. Those members may then feel less connected to BCA. It is also not unusual that this division of access to information falls along gender lines in such a way as to perpetuate the gender inequity that exists in the boating world.
Definitions: A BCA membership includes a Primary Member, that is, the person who initially signs up and is the main account holder, and can include an Associate Member (usually a spouse or partner). The Associate Member is linked to the Primary Member by way of a sub-account, but has a unique identity and account (i.e. different userID and password to sign into the BCA website). If applicable, there is also a boat sub-account.
How the Problem Happens
Primary Members Not Sharing Information or Updating Sub-Accounts
When a new (Primary) member joins they can give permission to be subscribed to Currents and BCA bulk email communication. The important thing to note is that the Associate Member sub-account cannot be set up until after the Primary Member has completed registration and paid their dues. Once that is done, Amanda, the BCA Administrator creates a sub-account for the Associate Member (and another sub-account for their boat if applicable) then sends a “Welcome to BCA” email to the Primary Member. That email includes the userID and temporary password for the Associate Member. It becomes the Primary Member’s job to share that information. Also, the Primary Member is informed that they can now go back into their profile and complete their sub-accounts (i.e. fill in information about their partner and boat). Sometimes, these follow-up steps are neglected.
New Email Address Not Updated
Even if all members are successfully signed up for Currents and for receiving BCA communication, sometimes email addresses change but don’t get updated by the member.
Connecting Associate Members to BCA
How to Subscribe to Currents
While anyone can go to the Currents website at any time to look at the content, the most reliable way to make sure you hear about the latest articles, news, events and educational opportunities is to subscribe. You may choose how often you receive notifications:
Daily – whenever anything is published in Currents
Weekly – a summary of the past week’s items
Monthly – a digest of everything published in that month
Steps to Subscribe to Currents
- Go to Currents website
- Scroll to bottom of Currents home page to find subscribe section
- Once you fill in a name and email address, options appear for frequency of notifications. Choose any or all of the options
- Click on Subscribe

Scroll to bottom of Currents home page to find subscribe section; once you fill in a name and email address, options appear for frequency of notifications.
Signing up for BCA Email Communications
Email communications from BCA are distinct from email notifications about Currents and need to be signed up for separately, via the BCA website (rather than the Currents website). Ideally, Associate Members log in to their own account to sign up for emails.
Steps for Associate Members to Add Email Address to Their BCA Account
- Log-in, using your userID and password (generally the assigned userID will be your first initial and surname, but you can choose one)
- If need be, reset your password
- Click on Manage Profile
- Click on Edit Bio
- Add your email address and confirm the email; this will automatically subscribe you to receive BCA emails (use the Manage Email Preference only if you want to opt out of emails)
- Agree to the terms of use at the bottom of the page
- Click Save
Directions are shown below.

Instructions for changing email address in member profile (part 1)

Instructions for changing email in member profile (part 2)
If the Associate Member Does Not Know Their UserID
How to Retrieve a Lost UserID
The Associate Member can contact the BCA Administrator to ask for their userID and a password reset.
Steps for Primary Member to Update Associate Member Information (Sub-Account)
- Log-in using your userID and password
- Click on Manage Profile
- Click on My Sub-Accounts
- Click on the pen/paper edit button (bottom of page) adjacent to the partner’s name
- Add and confirm the Associate Member’s email
- Add any additional information, e.g. phone number and address (some Associate Members do not live with their BCA partner), their boat name, etc.
- Agree to the terms of use at the bottom of the page
- Click Save
Directions shown below.

Instructions for updating Associate Member (sub-account) information
Primary Members – Your Mission
So, if you are the Primary Member of BCA and your Associate Member is not subscribed to Currents and/or is not receiving communication from BCA, please share this information with them. At the same time, please make sure your own account as well as your sub-accounts are up to date.
I would suggest that Primary Members are more likely to have happier boating experiences if their Associate Members are fully onboard.