The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Missing Andrea England

Mary Anne Unrau

Traversay III
Waterline 43', Cutter-rigged steel hull
December 4th, 2024

We met remarkable artist and fellow sailor Andrea England when our boats (Traversay III and Island Prism) shared dockspace in the paradisiacal island of Oahu, Hawaii. We were thrilled when Andrea and husband Jim Shortreed’s little yellow boat came to B.C. and moved to the Causeway docks near Traversay III.

Jim & Andrea in Vancouver with Island Prism

At some point, we attended one of Andrea’s Gallery expositions and looked through Andrea’s sketchbook. I’d seen some of her larger water colours, which I thought were tremendous, and anyone would learn much from her loving attention to every anatomic detail of sea-life and birds which, while scientifically accurate, still bring an artistic flourish to subjects which are often pictured in such a dry and dull manner.

Appreciating her talent, we were fortunate to commission several paintings before her business experienced a massive upsurge. Pictured below are ‘Traversay III in Nunavut’  and  ‘Traversay III in Patagonia’.

Traversay III in Nunavut in the Northwest Passage

Over the last few years, we shared Christmas dinners and events with Jim and Andrea. We took pictures during one of our annual Christmas Singalongs because I hoped to call on one of the other talented works Andrea had displayed in her sketchbook. It was an attractive ‘homely’ scene of Island Prisms’ interior with pots and pans and clutter – all within an artistic perspective. We later asked Andrea if she would be able to use our photos to create a painting of our boat interior complete with the tree, the ornaments, my piano, and the guests singing Christmas carols.

It was impossible to get this combination in a photo but Andrea completed a painting showing the onlooker a view from the galley with BOTH the interior and guests, but also looking forward across the bow towards the Christmas star on our foredeck and the lights of the Empress Hotel (see featured photo). Only a superb and gifted artist could achieve this. I am grateful to have three such vivid representations of our lives sailing the world and at home aboard our boat.

Her amazing talent was crushed when she succumbed to an invasive cancer in April 2024. BCA members may remember the colourful cover gracing the Membership Directory that she painted for us a few years ago (Jim and Andrea became members when they moved to B.C.). All of those of us who spent time with Andrea have felt devastated at losing her.

Left: Traversay III in Patagonia; Right: Andrea’s cover of the 2019 BCA Membership Directory.