The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Scenes from the 2024 August Rendezvous

Barb Peck

Hoku Pa'a
Niagara 35
December 11th, 2024

Do the frosty mornings have you longing for those warm days when Sirius pokes its snout up just ahead of the sun?  Let’s take a short stroll back to the the dog days of summer, when many BCA members (30 boats and 78 people) gathered at Port Browning for the annual August Rendezvous, organized by Sue Chapman and hosted by our Vancouver Chapter.

Several photos were sent to Currents and it seemed a shame not to share some of them. More photos (and of higher resolution) can be found here.

The highly competitive blind-folded dinghy race.

Many folks participated in the blind-folded dinghy race; collisions were prevalent; the winners (Barb Peck and Bjarne Hansen) and second place finishers (Cindy Wang and Allan Berry) each received a 12V fan, donated by Jim Shohet.

Heather Marshall permitted the use of Tucana for a docking demonstration; David Vincent taught us a way to quickly release a line when springing off the dock.

Of course, there was eating.  Left: Delicious oatmeal (made by Sue); Right: delightful pastries.

Some of the many lovely faces that could be seen at the August Rendezvous




  1. Blake Williams says:

    Thank you Barb for capturing the joy and essence of the Bluewater Cruising Association August long weekend Rendezvous. It has been a great pleasure to plan several of them and to partner with one of the best RV marinas in the Gulf Islands.

    Your pictures will be nice reminders to gather the Dreamers, Doers, & Doners again next August!
    Every best wish to all BCA members for a safe and enjoyable Christmas season! 🌲🎅

  2. Trina Holt says:

    What a great memory to have! Times like these are the ones you remember when you’re at the end of your life thinking about the things you did that were worthwhile.

    1. And thanks for your contribution to the photos, Trina!

  3. Marlow Currie says:

    Yes! a great time with great people. Thankyou for letting me and SV Grace share the times

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