The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

Reporting from La Paz and Los Cabos

Rosario Passos

Counting Stars
Whitby 42 Ketch
February 10th, 2016

I am writing this short note from the pool deck of a boutique hotel in San Jose del Cabo, after having spent a week and a half in La Paz, sailing with BCA members on Sea Rover II and enjoying the company of many other BCA members who are down here either waiting for a weather window, waiting to get some repairs done on their boats, or just enjoying the easy lifestyle. I will write an article on our visit later on, including all the details of the most awesome BURP organised by the crew of Avant. Cruisers sure know how to have a good time!

OCA Speaker Series

While we have been away, we have missed all the Ocean Cruising Adventures Speaker Series events, but I am told that the presentations so far have been excellent: entertaining, engaging and informative. There are two more presentations in the series:

So, if you haven’t attended one yet, plan to catch one or both coming up.

Profile Update and the Directory

Also, don’t forget to update your profile before the end of February on the BCA Website, so that the 2016 Directory includes the most up-to-date information about you and your boat. I have to confess that I really like to be able to look up boat and member names in the Directory as we sail past them or if we see them at an anchorage. For example, two summers ago we passed by this boat that I recognized in Gabriola Pass. The crew were waving at us but I drew a blank. I ran down below to get the Directory and it was Cam and Marianne on May Knot. Duh… I thought to myself. It was great to be able to hail them on the radio and say hi. So, go ahead, update your profile!

In spite of the Internet being a bit slow and unreliable at times, I am thrilled to be able to work on Currents while down here. Having said that, I should really publish the pdf version right away, so… I’d better sign off until next month. The January 2016 compilation of articles is now available for download; enjoy and don’t forget to share the articles you like the most!

Oh yeah…we are always looking for stories to publish in Currents, so if you have a great tale to tell, please send it to us. Remember: you get a discount on your membership fees when we publish your article!


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