The Official Magazine of the Bluewater Cruising Association

WOW 2017: Keynote Speaker Jennifer Handley – WOW! Inspired by Community

June Lazenby

March 30th, 2017

Jennifer learned to sail in Nanaimo as a girl, but showed limited interest until she and her husband purchased their first boat, a trailerable McGregor 26. This ultimately led to a bad case of “two-foot-itis” and the purchase of Camdeboo, a 50’ steel sloop, in 2005.

Camdeboo set sail for French Polynesia in 2006 with 7 aboard; over the next five years, 27 people joined ‘Boo as she explored the South Pacific and eventually made her way back to Victoria in 2011.

Since joining BCA in 2002, Jennifer has been actively involved in the VI Chapter and BCA’s Board of Directors. She is currently Past Commodore, committed to helping cruisers realize their dreams and supporting those who are offshore.




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